Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Present---- Spencer Johnson
The Secret to Enjoying your Work & Life, Now!

The Present is the best gift you can receive because it makes you happy and successful!

Whether it means………..
 Having peace of mind and feeling more alive; or
 Being more productive and more prosperous; or
 Finding whatever is important to you and to those you work and live with.

The central theme of this book lies with a story which one person name Bill is narrating to his friend Liz. This story gives emphasis on the importance of the present. This story starts where one boy listens to an old man and began to learn about the Present. From the first the boy perceives the present as a gift but later on he really understands what exactly it is.
The old man says that the Present is not about magic or wishing. It is not also a time machine that could get in and go anywhere wanted. It is a way that can lead you to many kinds of richness but in true sense its true value is not measured in gold or money alone. The old man narrates that when you receive the Present you enjoy your life more and you become more effective so as to do things better and that’s make you more successful. Being successful means getting more of what you need, whatever you think is important. The Present is not the Past and it is not the Future. The Present is the Present moment. The Present is Right now. Even in the most difficult situations, when you focus on what is right. In the Present moment, it makes you happier today. And it gives you the needed energy and confidence to deal with what is wrong. Pain is the difference between what is, and what you want it to be. Pain in the Present, like everything else is constantly changing. It will come and go. When you stay fully in the Present and have felt the pain, and feel drained by it, you can begin to look for what is right, and build on it. It is important to experience painful situations and learn from them rather than try to distract yourself with something else.

Being in the Present means tuning out distractions and paying attention to what is important, now. You create your own Present by what you give your attention to today.

So even in difficult situations, one need to tune out the unimportant distractions that keep off from being in the Present. You can take examples from your own life. In relationship, you need to focus on the whole person. By being more aware of their good and bad qualities you can address potential problems. It is hard to let go of the Past if you have not learned from the Past. As soon as you learn and let go, you improve are the Present today. Anytime you are unhappy in the Present and want to enjoy the Present more it is time for you to learn from the Past or to help create the Future. Two things that can rob you of the joy of the Present include your negative thoughts about the Past, and your negative thoughts about the Future. When you become concern about the Past and it hampers the Present then it is the time to learn when I am feeling something negative.

The best way is to ask just three questions:
“What happened in the past ?
“What did I learn from it?
“What can I do differently now?”

Look at how you feel about what happened in the Past. Learn something valuable from it. Use what you have learned to make your work and life more enjoyable today. You cannot change the Past, but you can learn from it. When the same situation arises you can do things differently and become happier and more effective and successful today. If you have negative thoughts about the Future, at work or in your life, and your actions are negative today, you create worse results tomorrow. So if what I believe and do today is positive, I help create a better tomorrow.

No one can predict or control the future. However, the more clearly you imagine what you want to see happen, plan for, and do something today to help it happen, the less anxious you are in the present, and the more the Future is known to you. There are again some questions to be answered to find out the best way:
“What is positive about right now, and how does it make me feel?
“What would a wonderful future look like?
“What are my plans to make it happen?
“What am I doing today to help it happen?”

A lack of imagining, planning, and doing, both at work and in our lives, are the most common reasons we fall short of what we could be.
Beginning today, Picture what a wonderful future would look like. Make a realistic plan. And do things to help it happen.

“Living in the Present, and learning from the Past, and Helping to create the Future is not all there is.”
It is only when you Work and Live with Purpose and respond to what’s important about the Present, and Past and Future, that it all has meaning.

When you Live and Work with Purpose, and respond to what is important today, you are more able to Lead, Manage, Support, Befriend, and Love.

Being more successful means becoming more of whom you are capable of being. Each of us defines for ourselves what it means to be more successful.

As the story comes to the end by the time the old had become too old and died and the small boy had become a man and he takes the place of the old man and narrates the story so as to become very successful in life……………………………………….

As this story ends Liz who was finding very dizzy and uneasy at work felt very energetic and follow the story and the story become a Present for everyone who bring success and richness in lives……………………………………………………….